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Toll Free No. 18003093444
E-waste is a popular, informal name for electronic products nearing the end of their “useful life.” Mobile Phones, Smart Phones, Feature phone, I Phones, Laptop, Desktop, Thin Clients, Air Conditioners, Televisions, Refrigerators, Washing Machines, VCDs, stereos, copiers, and fax machines are common electronic products. Many of these products can be reused, refurbished, or recycled.
E-waste has been one of the fastest growing waste streams in the world. While e-waste contains valuable materials such as aluminium, copper, gold, palladium and silver, it also contains harmful substances like cadmium, lead and mercury. In the absence of proper awareness, disposing e-waste in landfill can result in toxic emissions to the air, water and soil and pose a serious health and environmental hazards.
Under the guidelines of the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Government of India, E-Waste (Management) Rules, 2016 and ARKARISE GLOBAL SOLUTIONS INC stands committed to implement E-Waste Rules.
We, ARKARISE GLOBAL SOLUTIONS INC understand there is a need to encourage recycling of all useful and valuable material from e-waste so as to conserve the ever depleting natural resources. Recycling end-of-life discarded products is vital if we are to save resources and minimize landfill ARKARISE GLOBAL SOLUTIONS INC understands its responsibility and in this regards we have tied-up with one of the leading PRO namely SWACH ENVIRO E-WASTE INDIA PVT. LTD. for facilitating our customers to enable them to dispose of e-waste products after its end-of-life.
Recycling of E-waste
The company has tied -up with PRO M/S SWACH ENVIRO E-WASTE INDIA PVT. LTD. For collection of all our E-waste on PAN India and disposes the same with their Registered Recyclers
Customer can reach or call on Toll Free No 18003093444. Our representatives explain them about process of disposal and make them aware about nearest drop point available to drop the e-waste also give information about incentive we will offer to them against their end of life product. If any customer wants to handover the material from their door steps, we do send either our logistics team or M/S SWACH ENVIRO E-WASTE INDIA PVT. LTD. team to collect the items and channelize the same to our e-waste partner plant for final processing.
Dos & Don’ts
Always look for information on the catalogue with your product for end-of-life equipment handling.
Ensure that only Authorized Recyclers repair and handle your electronic products.
Always call our E-waste Authorized Collection Centres/points to dispose products that have reached end-of life.
Always drop your used electronic products, batteries or any accessories when they reach the end of their life at your nearest Authorized E-Waste Collection Centres/Points.
Always disconnect the battery from product, and ensure any glass surface is protected against breakage.
Do not dismantle your electronic Products on your own
Do not throw electronics in bins having “Do not Dispose” sign.
Do not give e-waste to informal (Kabbadi) and unorganized sectors like Local Scrap Dealer/ Rag Pickers.
Do not dispose your product in garbage bins along with municipal waste that ultimately reaches landfills.
As per the E-waste Regulation under E-waste (Management) Rule, 2016 and ARKARISE GLOBAL SOLUTIONS INC being a good corporate citizen understands the responsibility towards environment and thus following the mechanism for collection of e-waste and channelizing it for safe recycling:
How end consumer can reach us?
If any of the End consumer willing to dispose or recycle their end of life product /e-waste can call or reach us at our Recycling Partner toll free number, SWACH ENVIRO E-WASTE INDIA PVT. LTD. representative would explain our customers about process of disposal and make them aware about nearest drop point available to drop the e-waste or we send our logistic team to pick the e-waste from the doorstep of customer and channelize the same to the Registered Recyclers
[ARKARISE GLOBAL SOLUTIONS INC] is committed to providing continuing, comprehensive and coordinated whole-person Healthcare to individuals and families in our community.
[ARKARISE GLOBAL SOLUTIONS INC] is committed to the protection of health and the environment and is determined to minimise any adverse impacts from its activities.
[ARKARISE GLOBAL SOLUTIONS INC] is committed to addressing the following issues.
Promote awareness
We will inform and motivate all our staff and encourage them to play an active role in Commitment to its e-waste disposal/environmental policy.
Waste management
We will continue to promote, develop and implement waste prevention, reduction, reuse and recycling
On site in a systematic and cost-effective manner. We will use appropriately regulated waste management
Contractors to ensure safe management of hazardous and non-hazardous waste sent offsite in accordance
with best environmental practice.
There are strategies we can also follow to help reduce the amount of e-waste. They include:
Be a good consumer. Do some research when you’re ready to buy a new product. Make sure it’s one that won’t break easily or become damaged shortly after you purchase it. In other words, look for products likely to have a much longer lifespan so you won’t need to replace it within a few years, or even months. It’s known that this is a common practice in the electronics industry; to make products with shorter life spans so more money can be earned in the long run when they break or malfunction.
2) Reuse as often as possible. If you have parts and equipment that are still working, try repairing the electronic device before getting a new one. And if the device is beyond the point of being repaired, then recycle it.
3)Educate yourself on what gets put into your electronics. Knowledge is power. Doing some research about the raw materials being used to manufacture your mobile phone or laptop helps you understand how harmful those materials and toxins can be if they’re tossed into a landfill. The more you educate yourself the more you can purchase items that won’t be harmful to the environment.
4) Look for an environmentally friendly label. For example, see if the products you buy are labeled Energy Star, or have been certified by the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool.
Consider limiting the number of electronics you own. If you don’t really need an extra gadget, look for devices that have multiple functions.
5)Teach kids about e-waste. Children are our future, and it helps if we can instill within them at a young age a commit to e-waste recycling.
Recycle, recycle, recycle. No matter what you have, it’s important to always dispose of your e-waste properly. That means recycling all of your used electronics, with the understanding that improperly disposing of e-waste is becoming more and more hazardous, particularly since the volume of e-waste has skyrocketed.
Understand security issues. All of your personal information remains stored on your electronic devices even if you delete it, so that’s another reason not to throw it away.
We can manage the e-waste and forage for elements that can be reused, recycled or responsibly disposed off.
We can also boost
e-waste recycling by implementing companywide recycling programs, and set up designated bins for consumers to bring their e-waste to be recycled.
These programs encourage customers to return old or broken products to their source, where they can then be recycled, refurbished or stripped of usable materials.
SWACH ENVIRO E-WASTE INDIA PVT. LTD. is here with one mission, save the environment from our e-waste so we can keep this dear planet habitable for our future generation. The more technological dependent we are becoming, the more we are producing E-Waste.
Not every e-waste need to be destructed either. Study shows that 63% of e-garbage’s can safely be recycled and this way we can not only show our care to the environment but also can save significant amount of our budget. However, the same study shows that only 17% electronic recycling is done, with the situation being much worse in 3rd world countries including India. SWACH ENVIRO E-WASTE INDIA PVT. LTD. is determined to change this scenario. Our easy and inexpensive plans will help you get rid of all those machines, stacked up in your home or office.
Data Destruction
Whether you want to safeguard your personal information before selling the hard disk or you want to clean your PC of anything malicious, we can help you with it. Our data destruction is thoroughly certified which means we guarantee you privacy. After we destruct your data, it is completely gone, irreversibly deleted. No trace of the data can ever be found on the storage medium.
Our Services
Recycling of E-Waste
Recycling of Toner Cartridge
Refurbishing PC for Rural Areas and NGO’s
Onsite Hard Disk Shredding/ Scraping
100% Data Destruction
Data Wiping
Toll Free No. 18003093444 for End Consumer reach:
M/s SWACH ENVIRO E-WASTE INDIA PVT. LTD. has signed an agreement with OM LOGISTICS LTD for reverse logistics for Channelization of E-waste to the facility.
E-Waste material collection centre/point
Collection Facilities (Collection Point /Centres, Warehouse)
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